Friday, May 31, 2013

Ways to deal

Some Ways I Deal With Bullying:
•listen to music
•speak up and tell someone 
•find a hobby that gets my mind off things
•talk to my friends,family,teachers (people care) 

Monday, May 27, 2013

Introduction to my blogger

I have been a victim of bullying in my life, as well as many of you. Bullying is not only physical harm but it also consists of mental and verbal harm. When you punch a kid it hurts just as much as calling a kid fat,ugly or worthless. Those words can effect a child for the rest of their life. They will start believing that they are ugly or stupid. It will make them feel horrible inside. Sometimes mental and verbal bullying hurts worse than physical. For example, bruises will go away but the words injected  into a young kids mind will always be there.... forever. I hate seeing people hurt...I know how it feels to want to give up. You have to keep fighting..Everyone in this world is different.It's good to be unique. Lets make a change. This is the generation to change the world....
If you need to talk I am me at:
